Lucky charms to attract good luck your own hands

To achieve success in any field, it takes the will, the aspirations, motivation and maybe even a little magic. Quickly lucky again face to each other is possible by means of the talisman of happiness, which will help you to get financial support, and also save the wearer from negative influences. It is only important to believe in its magical power and stubbornly go to the goal.

Lucky charms to attract good luck

Rules of treatment with the mascot

Before you do, by choosing the right mascot, it is necessary to create the money pleasant atmosphere. For this purpose, in the first place, it is necessary to establish order in my purse. In it should be crumpled banknotes and foreign objects. Photos, used tickets, advertising flyers and other things away, and bills neatly folded. A good way to show willingness to adopt wealth — buy a new purse red, green, gold or blue colors.

Magical things do not tolerate negligence, and personal mascot would be treated with respect. Choose to be the one to which the lies of the soul. In the role of a mascot can act anything: coins out of the way, the red thread, rhinestones, spoons for shoes, horseshoes, or some kind of commemorative thing. A suitable amulet you can buy in a specialty store. But the greatest strength of the talisman on the money with his own hands.

The Amulet is not worth it demonstrate the around and get wasted. After purchase it is necessary to talk with the mascot, tell about your goals, ask for help, to hold in the hands and procrastinate in the allocated space. Magical attributes you can carry together in your pocket, handbag or close to the body. But the symbols of feng-shui, it is necessary to put to activation in a specific sector.

A good way to increase the financial condition of the — plant a tree with rounded leaves. It may be a ficus, or the famous "money tree". For plant care and treated with respect. To increase the flow of finance to give you a few chinese coins, which under the bottom of the pot.

Maneki Neko — the popular guardian on happiness at work. Give the paint a cat on the table so to look for the boundaries of the room. Under the statue give segment of beautiful red fabric or similar colors pin. It is believed that the increased left foot gives the joy of communication, and the right attracts good luck. The universal variant with both feet will improve all areas of life. Such a guardian you progress faster up the career ladder, to find a common language with colleagues, to be able to propose their ideas to the examination supervisor.


Slavic gear is associated with fertility. As amulets they behave figurines of animals, an ear of wheat, horseshoe, the picture of the sun, or runes.

In India to attract wealth using semi-precious and precious stones red color.

Bring lucky may clover, gold, coins, figurine of a pixie, a small magnet, the image of god, ladybugs and more.

Amulets with his own hands

A Talisman for luck and money with their own hands initially charged energy to the owner, and will be effectually purchase. The purchase in the shop amulet can be a common souvenir as well made by yourself definitely will work in all its strength. But in creating the need to stick to a few rules.

Important conditions for the work of:

  1. Start on the growing moon or a full moon with good humor.
  2. All materials it is necessary to personally bring into the house.
  3. In the process, include the visual series, we present to reaching the money in hand.
  4. No doubt the magical powers of the talisman.

The cable on the luck

A very simple and effective amulet for attracting luck. Depending on the colors, will help solve a variety of tasks. Very important for knitting buy new good yarn. When working to represent how dreams become reality, implementing ideas, the money is running constantly in the hand. What colors take:

  • green wealth and a new cash injection;
  • red design one piece of a hidden desire;
  • blue — the implementation of small ideas;
  • yellow — success and happiness.

Binding of the spit can be from all the fiber, so from one selected color. Worn under the clothes on the left leg and not shoot until the desired fill. After the execution is preparing the thank you for the work and burn.

Another variation on this amulet is lagging behind from a thick cord of a selected color. It can be as spit as well as other sophisticated knitting. Such a guardian to carry in the meantime, until all the ideas happen, and then burn with gratitude.


Cash pouch

This amulet will attract good luck in the work place, to help you start your own business, or increase profit. Need flap beautiful fabric red or turquoise colors, fragrant spices: cinnamon, allspice, bay leaf and ginger, and also sprigs of pine needles, dried mint, a few coins and patchouli oil.

Sew a simple pouch out of the selected tissue. Both colors have a beneficial effect on the labour market, so take your like the most. Decorate the finished product to the wish, or leave as is. Bag to infuse the dried herbs and spices.

Put the three coins and drop a few drops of money oil (patchouli, mint, cedar). Sewn outdoor the edge and save at the workplace. Power this amulet is enough for one year, after which it needs to be replaced.

Rune amulets

The easiest way to do the guardian on happiness and money — take advantage of the power run. The easiest option — cause the picture of the runes on the inner side of the wallet.

Most often, to attract wealth using the symbol Fehu, but in fact characters, attractive money and happiness, it is more. Which one you choose depends on the meaning of the runes and objectives at a certain moment.

  1. Fehu — the strongest signs, attractive money. Inevitably attracted into your life something new, improves and improves the available goods. But by itself will not work, its owner must work tirelessly to achieve the desired.
  2. Odal — the second valuable runes. It is responsible for major material acquisitions. In the case of the purchase or sale of apartment, car and other valuable property, helps in getting the inheritance.
  3. Hyeres — acts slowly and implicitly. The owner of this runes can suddenly get a large price, heritage or occupying a high position.
  4. Dagaz — very light rune promises a good change in any life direction. Will help its owner break out of poverty.

Appropriate run can be used separately, so that the personal guardian. The clay mass drop of patchouli oil or cinnamon, you can add a pinch of the powder from the spices. Roll the bead and do it in the form of coins. Plant in the picture of her runes and dry.

Carve a wooden workpiece about the size of a large coin. Watch that the edges were smooth without hangnails and cause the picture of the rune Fehu.

The finished amulet is hold in hand, charging your energy, and put in a back pocket wallet.

Getting the win


Winning the lottery will help the common black pepper and a nice pouch. Sew this you can yourself, or buy it in the store for needlework. On an ordinary sheet of paper, write the desired amount, roll the Norwegian and put on the bag. Pour in the seeds aromas of pepper and make. The finished amulet to hold with the left hand, represents the profit, and leave for the night in the light of the moon. Going to buy a ticket to the lottery tickets, don't forget to take a bag with you and believe that it will bring good luck.

Another way to win the lottery, or cards. Need three coins, bottle glass, the zest from the oranges and a piece of cinnamon sticks. All the ingredients pass into the container and say: "my happiness, My victory! Fortune came, the problem is gone!". Bottle hold one night under the light of the moon and hide it in a secret place.

Very effective amulet for getting a card from a new package. Go to the game or to purchase a ticket to the lottery tickets in advance to buy a new deck of cards. Get a hold of her, Jack, ten and drop a few drops of patchouli oil.

Her amulet with the words: "Ten in the pocket of Fortuna with me, please, donate me to win big."

For the rapid achievement of the result optional to use all the options proposed. Just choose the one which received the largest response in the soul, I sincerely believe in his strength and power to thank you for the work. Then happiness and prosperity will never turn away from his owner.